Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Still life of the prom aftermath. It was interesting to me that the cosmetics looked like a work of an art themselves, each item had a beautiful design, and the many reflections of light made them look like gems.

This piece is showing how important, how powerful one moment can be. When the details all fade away and the situation no longer matters, just the other person who is there with you. One glance can hold a power unexplainable. In these moments it is almost as though one escapes reality, if only for a moment. Notice the unexplainable, unworldly light source emanating from the woman.

Although these are inanimate objects I have tried to convey a sense of loneliness, isolation, and rejection. While three larger bottles stand together sharing a lovely carnation, the other bottle stands alone, forced to dwell in the shadows of the other three.

This work is titled "Fierce against the Heart". It relates the story of the heart wrenching journey of depression and agony that my sister when through when she was betrayed by her fiancé and therefore ended the relationship. In her darkest times she seemed detached from herself, in a deep depression jailed by the overwhelming thoughts of him and their time together. This time is represented by the way she is disintegrated at the beginning and the many well focused pictures of her fiancé that surround her, since he still has power over her at this point. As you move left to right my sister gradually becomes stronger and is able to define herself, separate and strong. Her figure becomes more realistic and defined, as the pictures of James and his power begin to fade away. At the end she has decided to leave the depression and grief behind, and turn the page into a new chapter of her life, a chapter that is full of hope and happiness. "Je Commence" written in black ink translated from French is "I Begin". Her breakup is a memory now, something that has shaped her in some ways and given her wisdom, but does no longer define her or control her. She no longer lives in the agony of the breakup every day of her life, she has lifted the bondage and she starts a new.

In the peice I worked with acryllic, pastel, photocopied pictures, and ink prints. I constructed a print made of rubber and repeated the cell design to create a net like structure in the background, this is in regards to my sister being tanlged and held back (as if she was netted in) in the sorrow by the thoughts of her fiance. The second half of the peice hangs in her room as a tribute to her survival.

I created this peice for the Junior Federal Duck Stamp Contest in 2006. I was given an honorable mention.

The following are part of a project to create a deck of cards. The entire deck revolves around the theme of Greek mythology and each suit has a theme: Clubs are the Gods, Hearts are the Goddesses, Diamonds are the Demi-gods and Heroes, and Spades are the mythological creatures.

This is to be the design on the back of the deck of cards. The colors in this piece are all derived from mixing the two complimentary colors green and red, with the addition of white and black for tints and shades.