Saturday, December 2, 2006


Please Visit my other Blog, EBrubakerTimeArts, by clicking on "View my Complete Profile" on the right to view my videos. All of these were made in my Time Arts class, which is a foundation studies course in the Fine Arts at Syracuse University.

Thursday, November 30, 2006


This is the final of many reworks. The assignment was to create an illustration based off a letter in the alphabet. The letter itself and also subjects/objects/images that begin with the letter were to be incorporated into the piece. The inclusion of a value gradation and figure/ground reversal was also necessary. Although rather conspicuous my letter was the letter F and it can be seen in the woman’s hair. Female, Fertility (represented by the pregnant maiden and the lotus flowers), Flowing, and Flowers became the subjects of the work. Within the piece I tried to capture innocence and purity through a whimsical look and childlike face of the mother.

This was the original idea for the final piece above. This and the following four below were rough drafts for the assignment.

The letter J (seen in the Jaguars tail)

The letter M

The letter L

The letter M


The original stamp

Rotating the stamp to create different designs

Repeating the designs to create a pattern

Using acrylic instead of ink. This piece is the design for the back of a deck of cards.


These two pieces pertain to the need to wash yourself clean of dirty acts and sin. The newspaper article, which inspired the pieces described the need for people to wash themselves physically if they feel dirty from sinful acts. It has been discovered that when hit men go through with a gruesome murder, the next day they will hit the spa for a day of cleansing. The photographs exhibit the irony in this human tendency, the woman even if she is drowning in the water in a drastic effort for purification she is unable to get clean. Her guilt stays with her signified by the expression of grief worn on her face.

These photos were not altered afterwards on a computer, through a series of techniques I was able to create the effect without a picture editing program.

This was the original subject, an asian mask made in the 17th century.

By using a scanner, and moving the image constantly while the scan was in process I was able to bring about interesting distortions of the image.

As the woman was supposed to be drowning I searched for a way to make her appear as though she was under water. What worked well was to fill a plastic zip-lock bag with water and place it over the image, the air bubbles inside the plastic and the reflections of the light gave an underwater appearance.


Colored Pencil

Conte Crayon

Part of a larger theme pertaining to isolation and introspection.

Inspired by the work of Jim Dine.